Friday, December 12, 2008

Strangers We Become

From behind the stained glass I peer into space
Aware of those familiar things; I observe
My senses key in on the sounds, the smells, the sight
There are many people rushing about 

Where are they going?  What are they doing?  They all have a story
The seas of people going about their business leaves me feeling disconnected
This is the purgatory of confusion and discontent
My body works against the demands of my mind

I am not sovereign nor am I slave
I am a free man who needs to serve his  master
My fear is not of human institution nor fear of loss
It is humility I seek; knowledge, wisdom, discernment, understanding

To wake up knowing you are no longer you 
Your new wires send new signals aligning your body and mind
The Spirit now guides this vessel
Now a stranger in the bustle, but with clarity I wander no more.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Looking in the Wrong Direction

As I read different mainstream media outlets there are increasingly alarming stories of human atrocity.  I read articles on Darfur, Rwanda, Sudan... there are more.  It is sickening to me that we as the current residents of this planet live out our daily lives and simultaneously there is genocide happening around the globe.  

How can this be happening?  

I read statistics of the millions that have been killed in the just the last few years.  

How can this be happening?  

We have got our priorities all backward.  I have my priorities backward.  I'm not sure how I'm to react to these thoughts.  

What can I do about this?  I wish that I had the power to end these murders and rapes and oppressions.  If I look at my life with the perspective that while I lived, these people died... for what, I wonder what my excuse is?  I fear that by the time these atrocities hit the mainstream media that the damage has already been done.  I feel that politics and greed have created and exacerbated these problems.  

What can we do to stop this?

I don't know if I even any answers that are intelligent.  I don't have a guide or even an indication of how it would look to end this.  What I'm left with is this:

God is the only force that can bring change to this.  As I think about that statement it seems vague, but I think that's a good thing.  We (collectively) and I (individually) are historically slow to act and unwise in our decision and judgement.  So for God to be the only answer seems like the strongest medicine we can ask for.  We need a miracle and who better to ask a miracle of then Jesus Christ.  A figure with a history of miracles and healing.  Our rock.  He can point us in the right direction; for we seem to be ever moving forward but rather than looking ahead we are constantly looking over our shoulders and not seeking the way.  

Lord in your Mercy, hear my prayer.  Please tend to your flock.  Please forgive me as I know not what I do.  Bring your hand of compassion to these dark corners of your planet.  Deliver your oppressed peoples from their evil masters.  Please feed your hungry.  The church is here..... your body is here.... please use us.  Please prepare us.  Please grant wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and understanding.  Above all, Lord, Please allow us to love unconditionally and sacrificially.  To your Glory.