Monday, October 13, 2008

Going Down?

The current times will not sweep away those who have a strong anchor.  Even as the markets crash and politicians come and go and the world itself groans on its axis; those with a strong anchor will not be swept away.  There is another way of living in hope and prospering love.  There are clear thoughts and meaningful clarities just through the haze of this media blitz and neon lighted signage.  

I feel a bit at odds with this global world.  There is some kind of weird circle we go through where we work to afford to live where we live and we work to afford the things we have and then we are conditioned to "need" these things and we end up laboring for the wrong things.  I end up neglecting those that need my help.  I end up neglecting the one who loves me.  I am guilty in many ways of being distracted.  

This brings me to my current condition.  I am trying to get back into school to finish my degree so that someday when my wife and I have kids, we will have the flexibility financially for her to stay home and spend her time helping to raise our children.  I am also in the process of finishing off two albums for two different musical projects.  This music is what I wish to do with my life.  It's financial success though is not guaranteed.  I will continue to write no matter what because there in lies some of my most honest thoughts and feelings.  The writer... the artist... these will remain and I will add additional arteries for benefit of my family.  God's will be done.  Where will this go next?

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